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Lollipop Product Page on Amazon DE

Optimize Lollipop product page on Amazon.DE site to increase session and page views.


Market Researcher, UX Researcher

UX Designer, Data Analyst


February 2021 - May 2021


Carlotte Chou, Shao-Yun Sha

01| Define

Since Germany has become the main market for Lollipop in recent years, Lollipop decided to customize the Amazon DE product page to increase DPV (detail page view).


02| Research

Research Questions

To achieve the objective, I set out to find answers to the following questions:


Question 1

How often did consumers make online purchases in the past 6 months? 


Question 4

What do customers care about most when browsing product page?


Question 2

What devices do customers use when shopping online?


Question 5

What features will increase customers' willingness to buy?


Question 3

What are customers online shopping preferences?


Question 6

What causes the customer to return the product?

Research Methodology

I employed several different methodologies to achieve the research objectives. The methods included: DE e-commerce market research, user interview, and competitive analysis. I then synthesized the data to draw a design framework with the UI team.

Market research & User Interview

  • Procedure

I first integrated the analysis of DE e-commerce consumer behavior as the basis for the design of user questionnaires. Through in-depth interviews with 15 German users, I could comprehend their purchase behavior.

Therefore, based on qualitative and quantitative methods, I sorted out the key factors that led to the increase in orders from German customers.

  • Objective

Understand customer needs so that we know what should be modified on the product page.

Competitor Analysis

  • Procedure

Through competitor analysis, we identified Lollipop's advantages in the German baby monitor market. Also, we could know what features need to be emphasized on the product page.

  • Objective

Determine what features should be emphasized on the  A+ Content.

Amazon A+ content for Lollipop 圖片一.001.png

03| Product Page Layout Design

Design Principles

Based on the above insights, we listed 2 design principles to help guide the creation of our design solution.


Principle 1: Product Knowledge

Our design should allow  German customers to have a comprehensive understanding of the product.


Principle 2: Brand Trust

Our design should let consumers know that we protect their privacy when using the Lollipop Baby Camera.

Framework Design

Start with product introduction

  • Slogan: Lollipop can reduce the burden of novice parents in caring for babies. 

  • Product picture: Introduce the type of monitor WiFi monitor, which needs to connect with Lollipop App.

  • Award: Enhance brand credibility.

German consumers place emphasis on detail

  • Brand Intro: Build a bridge of trust with customers.

Lollipop 6 main features introduction

We arrange the six main Lollipop features in six boxes, allowing customers to browse the product's features on one page.

In addition, we further elaborated the details of the product features to increase German customers' browsing rate and purchase intentions.

Lollipop bendable feature

Presenting icons with bendable features, we want to convey a message to customers: Lollipop allows you to position it however it fits your lifestyle. 

In addition, we use Lollipop gray camera in small icons to advertise the latest Lollipop color.

Other features introduction

We display other Lollipop features in small icons and explain features in detail with text to let customers gain a comprehensive understanding of Lollipop features.


We use a comparison table to show the benefits of combining Lollipop sensor, which can stimulate consumers to purchase Lollipop sensor.


04| Result

Launch Date: May. 28. 2021

Monthly Sessions  +31.66%

Monthly Page Views  +44.71%

We updated our new version of the product page in May.  Except for Amazon Prime Day from June 21 to June 22, Lollipop has no other promotions. Overall, the number of sessions and page views per month increased significantly compared to the months when the product page was not modified.

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